Well, I’ve hit that point that most nerdy hackers like me hate.
It’s the point where you know you probably have enough of a product to launch, but really don’t want to.
It’s time to kill your baby, or at least kill the dreams about what your baby could have been…
It’s time to find out what the market thinks about your idea.
Or if you can find people that are interested in your idea.
Reddit for the W
I haven’t done this in a while, but I’ve read that reddit is a good place to find people with similar interests.
I’m in the productivity space so I start searching for productivity related subreddits.
Found just the one, r/ProductivityApps
I read the most popular posts and many of them are app requests or developers releasing new products. This is perfect. I won’t feel sleazy or out of place self promoting here.
I make the following post:

Which leads to this landing page on the website:

It’s just a form that saves the potential beta users name and email address.
Here is the craziest part. It worked.
I posted on reddit and then went back and engaged on the post. No one else commented, but I added comments updating my progress. After the first sign up, I posted a comment saying 1 spot taken, 9 spots remaining.
I ended up getting 12 beta users.

Twitter Too (X Sorry)
I also posted on x (formerly known as twitter). As I write this, which is a few weeks after the posting, I have 5 followers. So I doubt that I got any users from there.
I’m sure as my following grows it will become a better lead source.
- Find a subreddit
- Post with link to lead capture
- Test your SaaS
I have 0 email subscribers and 5 twitter followers and I was able to get 12 beta users in under a week, with very limited effort…
What’s your excuse?
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